2024-09-16 22:52:30
Man-E-Faces is one of the best-known and most loved characters in Masters Of The Universe, however, because they have three faces, they have the most confusing origins.
Let's start with his mini comic Man-E-Faces making his first appearance in the mini comic called “The Ordeal Of Man-E-Faces” where the character is presented as a village actor capable of giving life to many roles during his act we see that Skeletor is in the audience watching him the same as He-Man, Manatar and Teela. People throw coins and lots of applause at the end of the show, Teela herself and she was even attracted to the actor. Once in his carriage, Skeletor assaults the actor, telling him that he has plans for him, forces him to drink a magic potion that transforms him into his slave; Man-E-Faces transforms into a monster after drinking the potion she gave him strength and turned him evil and brutal, Skeletor detransforms him with his sword, telling them not to remember anything that happened until the time comes when he needs it
.Nights later at the royal palace, Man-E-Faces was invited to an event because of a recommendation from He-Man and the others, Skeletor appears by surprise interrupting the event, He-Man and the others try to stop Skeletor but he points his sword at Man-E-Faces and transforms him once again into a monster. Man-E-Faces captures Teela on Skeletor's orders and easily knocks out Manatar. Skeletor's plan was to sacrifice Teela to a powerful demon who would give her enough power to penetrate the doors of Grayskull. He-Man asks the goddess for help to rescue Teela from the hands of Skeletor Man-E-Faces. She quickly arrives with the champion of Eternia and both set out on the journey to Skeletor's abode. Skeletor was about to sacrifice Teela to the demon until the he-man and the goddess appear at just the right time to stop him. The demon demands his victim, so he-man confronts him, while the goddess decides to fight against Skeletor, who orders Man-E-Faces to attack her, but she casts a spell that brings him back to normal, making him human once again. Man-E-Faces unleashes Teela and apologizes to her, once freed, Teela throws herself against the demon, helping He-Mán in the battle, Skeletor, while fighting with the goddess, manages once again to transform Man-E-Faces into a monster, but the goddess fights back and returns him once again, adding to these transformations, they occurred over and over again, transforming and detransformed Man-E-Faces over and over again until, as a result of this and the agony caused by magical forces, he ended up developing another facet, one of a robot, a neutral one that is not. Bad or good After He-Man had won the battle, Skeletor flees and the goddess manages to transform Man-E-Faces once again into a human. He-Man Man-E-Faces and Teela are happy that he has returned to normal, but the goddess in her thinking knows that this is not the case. The monster, the robot and the human now live inside Man-E-Faces until Skeletor tries once again to use them, the mini comic tries to give a logical origin to the use of the three sides of the character, although he does so in a rather
strange way.When Filmnation arrived they tell us another story about him, in this version Man-E-Faces was a villain who tormented the weakest to get what he needed in this story in the storm and enslaves the Widgets to give him shelter and food. The Widgets are forced to ask He-Man for help to rescue them, He-Man fights with Man-E-Faces who really isn't all bad, he just didn't know how else to act so Skeletor had become interested in him, and we came to we realize that the beastman is capable of controlling his monster face by turning him into his slave. In the end, He-Man wins the battle, Man-E-Faces comes to his senses, joins He-Man and becomes an actor for the kingdom, although Filmation never explains how Man-E-Faces manages to change their faces or because if they manage to bring some depth to the character, at least they let us know that he was a lonely and tormented man, but deep down they also respected the part of being an actor given by the mini comic
.In addition to that, Orko is the one who gives it the name Man-E-Faces because it is capable of having many faces.
Filmation used Man-E-Faces as a warrior who could also become anyone since he was an expert in disguises and the best thing that came out of this was the control that the Beast Man has over him in his monster state. The comics also gave rise to the character as in the other media, in this version Man-E-Faces was an actor and during one of his works the actor played this Skeletor in a mockery, so Skeletor decided to punish him with a spell that I would divide the actor into three characters: the human, the robot that will obey his orders and the monster that would sometimes not be in total control of Skeletor, thanks to that Man-E-Faces, out of fear of hurting people, decides to retire to live a solitary life in the desert, he is still waiting for the day when someone can remove that curse and thus be able to join the masters
of the universe.In the 200X era, Man-E-Faces is one of the few characters in the series that did not have an origin, they followed the pattern of Filmatión and the mini comics where he was an actor but in this case he would be more of a warrior than anything else. 200X gave Man-E-Faces independent powers for his three faces as well as a name for each of them when Man-e is transformed into a robot he is known as Man-e-Robot when he is a monster like Man-E-Monster and as a human he is known as Man-E-Faces. As a robot it is capable of scanning terrain, identifying signs of life, perfect aim and more; as a monster it obtains superhuman strength and a powerful sense of smell. 200X also exploited the Beastman's control over him in the episode called “the monsters with end”, where he manages to generate problems of insecurity for Manny, since he feared that the Beast Man would control him again in his monster form, also in 200x in an episode we see how the faces of Man-E-Faces work, generating more questions than answers in the episode of machines when luck stopped The use of all the technology on the planet Man-E-Faces was one of those affected since it was half transformed and we see their faces stuck together as in the function of the figure, so according to 200x Man-E-Faces, if he has all three faces on a single head, which makes him quite disturbing, 200x in his comics he also used in Man-E-Faces the ability to disguise himself as anything other than in this version he uses holograms to do so, since he
once posed as a man snake.When MOTU C arrived, what they did once again, as was customary, was to merge several origins into one to create a new biography in the bio the classics Man-E-Faces, it will be called Parcare, a great actor who was present at a performance for Prince Ada's 18th birthday, it was there that he drank a magic potion created by Skeletor that transformed him into a terrible monster with great strength and loyal only to evil, with the help of He-man and Sorceress he was cured of that transformation but remained forever divided into three personalities, he now uses his powers to protect justice in his greatest role as Man-E-Faces, the man who is three warriors in one fighting as a human robot and monster. There you have friends. The origins of Man-E-Faces are the most relevant, as you saw, he is a slightly confusing character, but without a doubt he is one of the most loved and recognized in the
MOTU line.